<-- (Persley) Previous || Next (Personal_communications_services) --> Person - Person is the 1,680th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.007%; percentile is 49.767 [SourceCBN]
- Person, North Carolina, United States [County] includes Allens Level, Allensville, Bethel Hill, Brooksdale, Bushy Fork, Cates, Ceffo, Concord, Cunningham, Dixon Store, Five Forks, Gentry Store, Gordonton, Helena, Hicks Village, Hurdle Mills, Longhurst, Longs Store, McGehees Mill, Moriah, Mount Tirzah, Olive Hill, Paynes Tavern, Picks, Roseville, Roxboro [Populated], Whitt Town, Woodsdale [SourceGSP]
- Person, North Carolina, United States [County]; population was 30,180 in 1990; housing units was 12,548 in 1990; location is 36°24'N 78°59'W; land area is 392.35 square miles (251,101 acres); water area is 11.76 square miles (7,526 acres); FIPS code is 145 [SourceCBP]