<-- (Shack) Previous || Next (Shackelton) --> Shackelford - Shackelford is the 2,948th most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.004%; percentile is 56.822 [SourceCBN]
- Shackelford, Texas, United States [County] includes Acampo, Albany [Populated], Eureka, Fort Griffin, Moran [Populated], Sedwick [SourceGSP]
- Shackelford, Texas, United States [County]; population was 3,316 in 1990; housing units was 1,755 in 1990; location is 32°44'N 99°21'W; land area is 914.03 square miles (584,980 acres); water area is 1.59 square miles (1,015 acres); FIPS code is 417 [SourceCBP]