<-- (Esmay) Previous || Next (Esmiol) --> Esmeralda - Esmeralda is the 779th most popular female first name in the United States; frequency is 0.013%; percentile is 79.608 [SourceCBN]
- Esmeralda, Nevada, United States [County] includes Alkali, Blair, Blair Junction, Coaldale, Coaldale Junction, Columbus, Coyote Hole, Dyer, Dyer Postoffice, Florence Hill, Gemfield, Gilbert, Gold Hit, Gold Point, Goldfield, Lida, McLeans, Millers, Montezuma, Montezuma Wells, Silverpeak, The Crossing, Tokop, Weepah, West Spring [SourceGSP]
- Esmeralda, Nevada, United States [County]; population was 1,344 in 1990; housing units was 966 in 1990; location is 37°47'N 117°38'W; land area is 3,588.71 square miles (2,296,773 acres); water area is 0.50 square miles (318 acres); FIPS code is 9 [SourceCBP]