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Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics The Former Ussr

  1. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Armenia [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  2. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Azerbaijan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  3. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Belarus [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  4. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Estonia [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  5. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Georgia [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  6. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Kazakhstan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  7. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Kyrgyzstan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  8. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Latvia [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  9. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Lithuania [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  10. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Moldova [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  11. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Russia [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  12. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Tajikistan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  13. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Turkmenistan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  14. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Ukraine [Nation] [SourceCIAC]
  15. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [the former USSR] [Area]: see Uzbekistan [Nation] [SourceCIAC]

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